
Weekend beach trip.
 Always see a lot of fishermen,
 One of the few times I've seen them catch something.

George Matheson, the well known blind preacher of Scotland, once said, “My dear God, I have never thanked You for my thorns.  I have thanked you a thousand times for my roses but not once for my thorns.  I have always looked forward to the place where I will be rewarded for my cross, but I have never thought of my cross as a present glory itself.
     “Teach me, O Lord, to glory in my cross.  Teach me the value of my thorns.  Show me how I have climbed to You through the path of pain.  Show me it is through my tears I have seen my rainbows.”
Steams in the Desert, April 8

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Truly beautiful photos, Vickie.
Emma :-)