
Yesterday was one of those days I was feeling very down.
Actually, since getting sick the day before New Year's Eve I
just haven't felt very good.  I haven't felt like going anywhere, 
seeing anyone, or doing anything.  I have to force myself to do things.
Like last weekend, my favorite art show of the year is 
the Mt. Dora art festival.  I really didn't feel like going but
made myself.  I know I've said this before but I wanted to try one more
 time - if we go to Mt. Dora it won't be 
during an art festival.  It's a huge show, 6 city blocks, but it's 
 like going to Disney on the busiest day of the year and not
having space between you and the next sweaty person.
Not a whole lot of fun.  The best part was going in the antique shops and
getting out of the show.  I saw one piece of art in a shop that has inspired
me to try something different.  I will show when it's done.  Chuck also got 
me a couple of, I don't know what they're called, to use in a piece.  Photo later.
But, I forgot my camera, again something I haven't felt like doing.
If you know me you know my camera goes everywhere-so that's saying
something's not quite right.
Back to yesterday.  Feeling down, hurt all over, don't
feel like going, doing, photographing, nothing.  Corey was
meeting a friend.  She was leaving through the garage when Jesse 
came through the front door.  She was supposed to meet a friend at the
park but her friend had to cancel.   She was going to take her dog Finn
and my dog Renny to the park anyway.  I decided no matter how I was feeling
 I had to get out and asked if I could go with her.
So glad I did.

I did go down the bank to be able to take pictures.  On the
way down my leg got stuck (the one with the rod in it) and I
couldn't move it.  She had to come help me.  I know it's not funny
but when that happens it makes me laugh.

Getting Renny used to the water and ready for a swim.


This was on the column by the picnic table
we were sitting at.

She did get Finn adjusted to the water before he went in.

Jesse and Finn going to cross the water

Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday 
epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe 
that change forever how we experience life and the world.   
Sarah Ban Breathnach, from 1000 Gifts
I am grateful for a God who sees our needs and
takes care of them even when we don't realize we need them (Him).

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