

Yesterday, during a storm, the UPS delivered
what I thought was a set of sheets I ordered.
I didn't look at the shipping labels.  I just started opening it.
Well, was I ever shocked!  It was an early birthday
present from my brother.  I just started crying and Corey
said, "Stop crying or I'll tell them you hate it!" 

So I've been reading and playing and learning.

It has creative filters, fisheye

Corey called me last night and said, "Come outside."
This was on the garage door.  We wanted to put our 
hand beside it so you could see how big it was (as big - or
larger than our hands) but we were afraid it would 
jump on us.  And it had a really gross bubble under it's
eye.  What is that??

 I've been taking pictures of everything.

Corey painted this yesterday.

I started this a couple of days ago.

I tried the miniaturize creative filter on this.
I think it needs to be a cityscape or something
 I did this a couple of days ago too.
I've been playing with my watercolors.
 Now that I have a camera that does really good video
maybe I'll do some watercolor step by step

The camera also came with:

Thank you Terry and Donna.  This means
so much and I will certainly enjoy using it!!

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