
Corey was in the mood for funny photos
and gangsta photos, its the Walmart symbol

More pictures from Terry and Donna's visit
Trish and Jesse
Terry and Me
Donna and Terry - pretty couple
Can't get over how much Christopher looks like
and really sounds like his Dad! You're a cutie Christopher!
(I mean handsome)

Dad, Ter, and Trish

Dad, Ter, and Mom
David, you too are awesome and very cute
(I mean handsome)


Tracy told me yesterday I should just "play"

with my art and enjoy it right now. So last night

I did and this morning I did a little extra. It was fun.


The sky was amazing this morning.
Instead of photographing it I decided to
try a quick watercolor. The difference
is with and without the flash.


Last Week

Last week my brother and some of his family
came to Florida for a visit. Last Sunday we
all got together at Mom and Dad's and they
prayed for healing for my Dad and myself.
It was such a blessing. I forgot my camera so
I didn't get any pictures of Terry and the boys
so I'll have to borrow some from my Mom later.
Monday I went to visit them at Mom's again and
still forgot my camera, poo. Tuesday, Tracy
came over and I wanted to get outside so we went
for a walk in the woods and I remembered my camera.
The thing I forgot was I had to walk back and
went too far and was really tired but still made it back.

Thursday, Donna, Corey, Jesse and I went to
a tea room in Mt. Dora. It was pretty and a very nice time

Renny really loved Donna. I told her
he poses for pictures and look what he did.


This has been one of those weeks where I've gone somewhere
or had appointments everyday. I am pooped today so I'm going
to rest and blog a little. Two pretty girls.
Sunday, Jesse, Millie and Dexter came over to watch the superbowl.
Millie was ready to go!
Then she got upset about one of the plays...

Chuck decided to play chef and make dip
and potato skins.
Monday I visited Mom and Dad with my brother.
Tuesday I went with Corey to Ikea. Her air bed deflated
and she had to get something else. I don't know what it is
about Ikea I feel like I'm going to pass out when I'm there.
Wednesday, Dr's appointment.
Thursday Chuck's mom took me to get my hair done.
She told me I could get whatever I wanted done. I've
never had my hair professionally colored so that's what
I asked for with streaks, or highlights. She trimmed it too.
I love the color and the cut but especially the color. Will have to take pictures.

One of the things I enjoy doing is art journaling.
I think I like making the backgrounds the most.
I've been reading a lot of different blogs, articles and
magazines about how to do it. Then I read something
about it should be "original" not a copy of someone else's
ideas. I started getting frustrated because I was
doing so much reading about what everyone else
does and realized I needed to stop so I could come up
with some ideas of my own. I was a little frustrated
but decided to look at some of the things I've done in
the past. These aren't in a journal but they are
a type of journaling and original and the way I need to
start thinking again.
As a kid I always thought it would be neat to be
a mermaid.
This was made a little while after my Uncle Bud died.
When I saw the picture of the two boys it just made
me think of my dad and his brother and how that was
something they would have done together as kids. I liked
the first definition of Bud = brother. The butterfly
represents to me new life which I believe he has now.
and thanks to my friend Tricia because I went to her
house on two different occasions to create together.
Sometimes being somewhere different and with someone else
who's creative can help unblock your mind.
Now I need to get to work!