If I were still working, yesterday would have been the last
day of school and today would be the beginning of my summer vacation. I can’t believe it has been 2 years
since I last worked.
Today, I started the day as if it were my first day of
vacation, sitting outside, reading, planning, journaling, enjoying the birds
and the dogs ‘till they started to drive me nuts barking. Unfortunately, I was without the coffee
I would have normally enjoyed. I
haven’t been able to drink any for a week but even then it’s down to less than
a couple of cups per week. I cut
back when I found out I had cancer.
It’s bad for us cysty breasted girls.
And Chuck says that’s pronounced “sexy”.
I sat outside thinking about when I worked and how I always
looked forward to my “off times”.
I think that was a huge reason I liked my job, summers off, 2 weeks at
Christmas, sometimes a week at Thanksgiving. I do miss my kids though. I saw two of them a month back and didn’t recognize them at
first. The last time I saw them
they were 2nd grade and K5.
The change in them made me feel old. They didn’t recognize me either. I no longer have dark hair and wasn’t wearing
sunglasses. Even when I was
working kids wouldn’t recognize me off work. They only saw me sitting down and with sunglasses on. I would have to put them on and say,
“Now do you know who I am?” and they would.
I read from “In a pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day”
The more problems you have the more potential
you have
maybe God is “remodeling” you
maybe the problems you thought you’d never
overcome will turn into a sacred opportunity
God wants us to learn to see bad experiences
through the good we have gained from them.
God recycles our pain for someone else’s gain
the circumstances you complain about become
chains that imprison you and
is the way out.
Then I went on to read from Unstoppable;
suffering produces perseverance, perseverance
produces character
and character produces hope;
HOPE has been my word since finding out I had cancer.
We are afflicted so we can comfort others as God
has comforted us
Even though bad things happen God still loves you!
And from the book 1000 Gifts;
It is suffering that has the realest
possibility to bear down and deliver grace.
And grace that chooses to bear the cross of
suffering –
overcomes that suffering.
Interesting that all that I’m reading is about persevering,
illnesses, and problems
being good things not bad.
Finally, I read from Ephesians my prayer for my family,
myself, friends, and whoever reads this;
…the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may
give to you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him. I pray that the eyes of your heart may
be enlightened, so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are
the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the
surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe.
Ephesians 1:17-18
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