The other night, when I was already in bed, Chuck asked
where the hair cutting scissors were. I said, "I don't know."
He said, "You moved them." I said, "No, I didn't and I'm
not getting up to find them." It takes a few minutes for me to
get arranged to sleep because of pain so I was mean.
Anyway, when he came home from work that evening this
is what he found on the counter. He shouldn't have a problem
finding them again.

My friends Greg and Shoko were having a garage sale today.
Greg sent me an email saying Shoko had a picture she wanted
to give me. I already like to go to their sales they always have
good stuff and I enjoy getting to see them. This is the picture.
I really like it. It's going in the living room.

I've gotten a little further on this painting. Seriously though,
I would like to just complete one.

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