I'm going to try to go back to Create for the day but it may
be different than before - maybe more writing.
Today I was reading from Streams in the Desert, June 2nd and
it said:
I will never forget the statement which that great man of faith
George Mueller once made to a gentleman who had asked
him the best way to have strong faith; "The only way to know
strong faith is to endure great trials. I have learned my faith by standing
firm through severe testings."
How true this is! You must trust when all else fails.
I am trying.
Today I am counting as my first "real" day off because
I had to go get a work physical yesterday, which praise God, I passed.
Got to hang out with Tracy a little which is always a good thing
for the spirit, heart, and soul.
This morning, took my coffee outside, it actually felt decent.
Took pictures of
Little dog, ok his name's Dexter

little dog and Renny

my almost ready tomato

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