One of the things that's been helping me
heal from surgery and get through this
cancer thing - all the family - Mom and Dad
- Chuck's Mom and Frank and people from
church, work, and other friends calling, sending
cards, helping with our needs, bringing food, flowers,
books, just all the love shown is such a huge blessing.
Lisa from the CPC brought us flowers, and dinner
from Boston market, and a funny yellow monkey
that makes me laugh, last Friday. Monday, Sherry
made us chicken fajitas with the fixings and banana bread,
that her husband Danny delivered. It was delicious and
the banana bread made for a good breakfast too.
Wednesday, Christy brought us pot roast, potatoes and
carrots, bread, and carrot cake, yum also very delicious.
When she called to say she was coming her little boys
were crying in the back seat. By the time she got here they
were sound asleep - so sweet. Today Susan and Norm brought us
a roasted chicken, stuffing, green beans from their garden, potatoes
and carrots, and strawberry shortcake. I think I've gained 5 lbs.
this week from all the yummy deliciousness.
I can not forget to thank Corey for all she did while she was here,
cooking, cleaning and cheering me up. Chuck and Jesse have also been
a huge help with taking care of anything and everything that
needs to be done while working full time. I have to say I
have felt extremely blessed and very well taken care of.
I am very grateful to God for filling my life with people I love
and who show me they love me back - I feel I have a very blessed life.
Thank you everybody!!!!!!!