You know me lots of pictures.
This is my hunk

these are my babies

if you look in the door you can see Charli's face reflecting

She's winking at me, cute!

babies again..I like babies being grown ups. I got to go to a movie with Corey last Friday. 27 dresses - liked it very much.
Corey and Jesse



sleeping charli

Last Saturday I went to a seminar by Linda Werner from Circle Christian School. It was titled A Woman's Mission finding the life God has for you. It was about writing a mission statement for your life. It's never too late, (or early) or your never too old (or young) to get going on this. I think every woman should go. It's helped me to start to try to focus and get moving forward after all the changes that have happened in the past few years.
I went with Tracy and Evelyn. Tracy spoke about Hannah and her purpose. It was extremely moving and inspiring. People always remarked about how Hannah never complained. I miss Hannah. I know a lot of people do.
After the seminar I showed them my favorite Panera Bread. You can sit outside the view is pretty. We met Tina at the seminar and she went with us too. It was a very nice day!!


Tracy and Tina.

Hands have been inspiring me lately. Maybe it means I need to start working with mine and get some art done!

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