This is a courtyard at one of the model homes in _____can't remember the name park - where the navy base used to be.

We went to City Hall to look at the art exhibit. Christy Wood had a peice in it. I wish I'd taken a picture of it. This is the outside fountain - sculpture.

Inside city hall

Tricia at one of the model homes, sorry it's blurry Tricia.

We walked on Park Avenue in Winter Park.

These were two purses in one of the windows on Winter Park that looked more like art to me.

It was a fun day. Window shopping on Park Ave., almond crossiant at Whole Foods, coffee at Star Bucks (where Tricia got a free coffee with whipped cream and coconut) City Hall art exhibit, Florida Mall and the best pizza ever at California Kitchen (?), and finally model homes tour.
I had so much fun yesterday, but boy was I tired when i got home!
me 2
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