
letting off steam
I don't normally like to write what happens on the bus but sometimes I need to let off steam.
Yesterday I got to a stop right on time (instead of a couple of minutes later) so kids were running to the bus. One girl, almost to the bus, throws up in the cross walk and when she gets to the door - 2 more times. I felt so bad for her. I pulled over and called her dad and had him pick her up. This started a dull roar on the bus that got worse after I picked up the next load from a different direction. They don't like change... After loading and starting toward school - bidding started on a bag of skittles that someone had, one of those tiny little bags. The kid was selling them for a buck a bag. I told them to stop because they were yelling and standing up but they wouldn't listen. Let me tell you a bad mix - PMS and bus of uncontrollable kids... So anyhoo, when I got to school I kept several of them on the bus to yell, not exactly, but very loudly and angrily tell them I'd had enough. I scared the beejeebus out of them. I know this because in the afternoon not a word was heard from the 5 who are constantly breaking all rules in a very loud way. Getting off the bus one says, "you didn't have to say anything to me, I was good right?" Another says, "do I get a referral, I didn't get up or yell, its ok to talk quiet, right?" Like I said scared them good and yet one says, "Will you be our driver next year, can we ask for you, I don't want another driver." Go figure..?

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