Four jobs I've had:
1. Character at Disney. (Dopey, Lulabell, Robin Hood, and a few more)
2. Waitress/hostess 2 days tops, yuk
3. Illustrated a Math and a Phonics book K/5.
4. School bus driver.
Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. Narnia
2. Lord of the Rings, all of them
3. I know this is bad, but I really liked the 1st Harry Potter
4. You've Got Mail
FOur Places I've Lived;
1. Houston, Texas
2. Anchorage, Alaska
3. Myrtle Beach, SC
4. Idaho Falls, Idaho (mormon city)
2. Four tv shows I love (I do not love anything on tv but I watch):
2. Lost
3. yes, Survivor
4. Gimore Girls...but less since Rory started sleeping around
Four Places I've Vacationed:
1. Ashville, NC
2. Black Mountain, NC
3. Sanibel Island, FL
4. St. Augustine, FL
Four of my favorite dishes.
1. Anything from the Columbia Restaurant in St. Augustine
2. Bloomin Onion from Outback
3. Broccoli cheese soup at Panera Bread
4. My chicken enchiladas
Four sites I visit daily:
1. about 20 different blogs!
2. Home and Garden TV, to win the house at Lake Lure where we spent our honeymoon and went back for our 23rd anniversary
3. email, yahoo and earthlink
4. Our Daily Bread
Four places I'd rather be right now:
1. Colorado
2. N.C.
3. Grand Canyon
4. I happen to be happy to be at home today.
Four bloggers I'm tagging:
1. Tracy
2. Hannah
3. Corey
4. Jesse