Sunday was a fun day spent with Corey. For mother's day
she wanted to take me shopping and buy me clothes and
this was our first chance to get together and go. So we planned to
meet at IKEA, have free breakfast, then go to Millenia Mall.
She called me from Ikea while I was still enroute and said,
"let's go somewhere else for breakfast because there's
a line going out the building and around the side."
I picked her up - gasp, oh my goodness are
people really that crazy to wait in a line that long to
get free breakfast? We decided to have a nice healthy
breakfast at Krispee Kreme, yummy doughnuts
haven't had any in a while. We then drove back to Ikea
which still had a nice size line so we decided to go to the mall first.
We sort of forgot it was Sunday which means
the stores in the mall weren't open yet, except for some of the big ones like Macy's. I don't usually clothes shop there too expensive but since it was
open decided what the heck. Several try ons later I found the top
I loved and Corey bought it for me, yay! It's so cute, pink and safari-ish.
We stopped in at the cheese cake factory and had an appetizer (that we split), bread and drinks. (Our waiter wasn't happy but it was yummy and we had
leftovers that we had boxed up.) Then we headed back over to Ikea. Yay, line
was gone. Ikea is so overwhelming to me because there are so many things
I want there and so many ideas to try to remember. I wish I had tons of
money and could empty my house and fill it with stuff from Ikea but have
someone else put all of it together, yes. I got a lamp for my art room, a bookshelf (normally 88$ for 49$), 2 mirrors, and spice jars. Really got
to not spend anymore since 2 and a half months without my check are coming up. After we finally got out of Ikea. We decided we needed nourishment in the
form of super sugar slurpees..just what you need to get moving again.
That was our fun day. Thanks Corey I really enjoyed it and I really like my
pretty shirt. Love you sweetie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. It's been so wet lately so I decided to take a couple
of water drop photos. I really need to learn all the specifics
about this camera that I've had since 2006. sheesh.