As we were leaving MGM Me and Trish at Honey I shrunk the kids playground. We rode the boat from MGM to the other side of the world We went to France Italy China
Thursday I went to MGM and Epcot with Mom and Trish. It was a really nice day and the company was great. So lots of pictures and I will post more later. Love these 40's style buildings. Where we ate lunch. Mom and Trish in NYC. Yesterday I went to Narnia. I visited Mr. Tumnus, saw the lamp post, went thru the wardrobe 1st, saw the white witch and her sled, and some of the people she froze. plane from pearl harbor movie skull cages from Pirates of the Caribbean movie then we got stuck in this canyon where the truck caught on fire and then there was this flash flood and yes we did get wet.. alt=""id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5125620663766585682" />
Only Corey and a few close family members will understand the title fully.. Corey and Christopher are adding a family member before the wedding. Yesterday, Chuck and I got to go with Corey to visit her. Her name is Charli and she is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Corey's wanted one for a very long time. She is a cutie patootie. And then, I always love those sky pictures.