I was just looking at my blog, it's been awhile. I wish we could get a laptop this time at home but need to wait. We got our licenses and our truck and a load home, don't remember the exact date. We left Aug 15th for our 1st real trip and got home this morning, Sept. 8th at 4am. Long trip. We have been to Alabama, Miss, Louisiana, Texas several times, New Mexico, California, Chicago, Gary Indiana, Oklahoma, and I know I am forgetting somewhere. Our air conditioning quit in the desert in Arizona on the way to California, 103* and on the way back from CA - near the same area 110*. You know how they say, "but it's a dry heat" that just means absolutely suffocating!!!!
I've seen some amazing things and plan to post pictures when I get my camera out of the truck. I can't believe I left it. One really great thing that happened - we got to go see Jesse and Eric when we broke down for a week in California. They live in a beautiful area, Monterey Bay. They live in a tiny one bedroom, LR, Kitchen, I guess kind of like efficiency. Jesse got a job as a guide taking people on rides to the beach on clydesdales, and other large type horses, in an area called the highlands because it looks like scotland or ireland. I know pictures please.
They are cute together. It's so hard to believe I have a married daughter.
It is really good to be home!!!! Corey and I splurged and got manicures and pedicures. Makes me feel like a girl again. Its good to see Corey practicing, I mean hear, and hear about Rollins. She says hard but happy to be there. And she got another job at church with the kids, she seems very happy with it. It's all good!
Praise God for getting us home safe!