Walk for LifeFYI
Saturday, May 13th at 9 a.m. the Cornerstone Pregnancy Center is having
it's 1st annual Walk for Life at Jay Blanchard Park.
The Cornerstone Pregnancy Center is a ministry of 1st Baptist Church of
Orlando. The center has been in the startup phase for a couple of years.
We do not have a building, as of yet, but in the past few months we have
already had 5 clients. Three clients have decided to keep their babies, and
two have accepted Christ. God is at the center of this ministry and it has
been astounding to watch the growth in the past few months.
At the Walk we are going to have a silent auction for a beautiful quilt that was donated by the "Sew What Quilters" from our church. We will also have t-shirts for sale, free drinks and I think muffins or something like that, free slurpee coupons and free sandwich coupons from Chik-fil-a. I hope that you will plan to come out
and show your support for this ministry!!