Today we went to Lucas Nursery to look at plants. I really like it there. I could
stay for a really long time especially when the weather is nice. I got some pretty
pictures too but at a cost. I was turning to look at something to take a picture
and didn't see the hole (rather large) full of water. Yes, I took quite a tumble.
I couldn't get up by myself 'cause I hurt my knee and I was soaked from the waist
down. Did I say it was a large hole full of water? Chuck took me home and after
a shower and change he fixed me an ice bag, went and bought steaks, got movies, and
proceeded to cook me dinner and really spoil me. Boy, could I have ever milked this
for awhile but after ice and ibuprophen it started feeling better and of course the
really good food. When he cooks it is very good.
Anyway, here's my pics. at least a few. Stu fixed my computer and I've been having problems getting pictures to rotate so I can get them on here right side up. I'm
sure I'll get the kinks worked out soon.