I did the pictures backwards. We went to Dickens by Candlelight Friday Night.
It's in a victorian mansion and very enjoyable. The house is absolutely beautiful. We reminisced about living across the lake from the mansion, when we were first married, and walking around and looking inside before it was refurbished. It was fascinating to see back then when antique fixtures were still inside but falling down and needing some love.
The show was very good. There was singing around the fireplace prior to, and hot apple cider. At the tables we had hot tea and cookies.
Chuck was very interested and felt he could, with practice, do something of this nature. He enjoys acting very much.
Afterwards, we drove downtown like we used to at Christmas, and to our disappointment, it has become bar after bar after bar.... downtown has gone down in that area..sad.
We drove around after and looked at some Christmas lights. Thus, the pictures are backwards.